Davian replied

684 weeks ago


All members are required to attend scheduled events.

Events are 6pm-12am EST. SUN-THU

Your performance in our linkshell is primarily reflected by your attendance.

Attendance is credited by showing up to our scheduled events and participating** to the best of you ability.

If you show late, leave early, afkga.. by more than what is concidered reasonable… you my not recieve credit for attending.

If you are absent 2 days or more prior, you have no lotting privaledges on the day of your return.

Skipping events is frowned upon. If you don't want to go to our events, find a different linkshell.

Members with low attendance are subject to replacement.

+1 & +2 lotting

1. A member who hold the highest amount of existing seals or materials will lot 1st, until completion.

2. Subsequent members also holding existing seals or material will lot in respectable order, until completion.

3. After existing holders have finished, the item in question will become freelot.

You may only lot 1 set at a time.

Mules have no lotting rights.

Event moderators have final say on all lots.

Rare equipment

If the item in question is in someones wishlist, they have priority to lot.

If the item is not wishlisted, it becomes freelot.

You must meet the job/level requirements.

Don't be a selfish fucking lootwhore!

Event moderators have final say on all lots.

Empyrean Weapons

Members will become eligble for weapon support after 60 days of attendace.

After 60 days, you will be reviewed/added to the next weapon cycle.

70% (60-Day Attendance) is required to obtain (80+85) or (90) upgrade per weapon cycle.

While not garunteed, some members with 60-69% (60-Day Attendance) may be concidered for a single (80) or (85) upgrade per weapon cycle.

Due to the nature of how it is farmed. (85)Shield/Harp is not available for linkshell support.

Oh, and please use Ventrillo during events when possible, thanks. You can be missing out on information.

If I left anything out, plz let me know.

Last edited Dec. 08, 2011 by Apoptygma.

last edited 684 weeks ago by Angelcat
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