☆☆☆ What are your best jobs? Nin, Smn, Bst, Blu, Sam, Blm
☆☆☆ What are your other jobs? Pld, Dnc, Thf, Drg, Mnk, War
☆☆☆ Shinryu Access? Yes
☆☆☆ What atmas do you regularly use? RR, GH, VV, AoA, FF, MC, DC, Ultimate, Beyond
☆☆☆ Do you have any experience and progress with Voidwatch? Yes, Decent amount. Can pop any NM except for T2 Whitegate. Have not cleared Prov yet
☆☆☆ Do you have Ventrillo Access? I play on PS3 but have a PC i can get on Vent with
☆☆☆ Availability: What days/hours do you regularly play? Weekdays after 6-6:30
☆☆☆ What previous linkshell(s) were you in? And why are you no longer with them? Last shell I was in was Titan Sentinels (Phoniex), left server to come here
☆☆☆ Any personal references? Did VW T1-2 Jueno run with several members of shell earlier in week
☆☆☆ What jobs are you looking to gear? job1>job2>job3 Need a few more +2's for Sam. Then maybe War, Mnk, maybe Drg if they can be useful
☆☆☆ What Empyrean Weapon are you interested in? PLD (Aegis almost done with x20 of each coin phase) and or Ochain have collected x50 plates so far) War Empy G-axe Mnk Empy H2H
☆☆☆ Anything else you would like to tell us about yourself? Been playing off and on since about 04' with maybe 2-3 years worth of breaks in between Always had same Character since I started
Cratond replied
660 weeks ago