Shadowflame replied

666 weeks ago

☆☆☆ Character name:Shadowflame

☆☆☆ What are your best jobs?BLM, RDM, WHM, THF, NIN, recently finished adequate gearing and skilling of war only have to kill scythe WSNM. 8 years of experience has taught me alot..

☆☆☆ What are your other jobs? MNK, PLD

☆☆☆ Shinryu Access? Have win.

☆☆☆ What atmas do you regularly use?razed ruins, gnarled horn, sanquine scythe, beyond, minikin, hells guardian, mounted champion, also have apoc but do most things low man with my alt and never bother..

☆☆☆ Do you have any experience and progress with Voidwatch?

☆☆☆ Do you have Ventrillo Access?
Not installed on pc right now but i can obaton and listen, have no mic.

☆☆☆ Availability: What days/hours do you regularly play?
many..many hours between 9am est. and 2am. 4-7days a week. Specific days making no difference for now.

☆☆☆ What previous linkshell(s) were you in? And why are you no longer with them? rarely in a linkshell the couple of years besides the occasional social where i help lower lvls until everyone leaves. Had some friends who were very skilled in the game kind of take me under their wing and i learned alot of game mechanics/endagem stuff from them, this being 3-4 years ago. ended up helping as much as leader and amassing a large number of points because of how much i helped out. Also have never had a bad experience with any linkshell.

☆☆☆ Any personal references?

☆☆☆ What jobs are you looking to gear? job1>job2>job3

☆☆☆ What Empyrean Weapon are you interested in?
kannagi >> Ukon >>twashtar working on myself for a bit recently 34/50bhelms and 4/50Sskin atm.

☆☆☆ Anything else you would like to tell us about yourself?If you think bruce lee was a lie or that evolution is not a proven(as completely as anything can be..) fact, please feel free to decline my application :D

last edited 666 weeks ago by Shadowflame

Shadowflame replied

666 weeks ago

Did a VW run with your Ls group today, learned almost everything i need to know between experience and looking up info on laptop during downtime^^

Esiru Default replied

665 weeks ago

I like this guy! Needs a Mic though.

Careful though, I didn't come from a monkey….I think it was more of a chimpanzee crossed with a Squirrel like creature.

Kaaley Default replied

665 weeks ago

He might not have a mic but at least he can hear us on vent! That's better than not being on vent at all!
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