1.) All members 30+ days in ls can take part. However the progression of the list is proirity, Meaning if 8 of 13 members have completed their weapon you will be added to next cycle. Level 80 and 85 are one cycle and level 90 will be a different cycle(few exemptions).
2.){lv80+85} & {lv90} upgrades will be available to members who have a 70% attendence rating over the past 60 days. While not guaranteed, member's with a 60-69% attendance may be concidered to receive a single {lv80} or {lv85} upgrade. An updated list of member standings can be viewed HERE.
3.) If we reach your weapon and your attendence is, well shit… we will move you to bottom of list and continue. If your attendence is still shit, you will be skipped. For a example of shit attendence refer to rule 2.
4.) Skipping 2 or more events will result in you being removed from list, or next depending if you completed. Chances are if you skipping you will be removed from ls.
Member standing for 5th Cycle as of: Feb. 20, 2012. [60 Day-Attendance] (This list is Subject to change) (This list is Subject to change)
Angelcat Admin replied
683 weeks ago